The ancient Philosophy of Stoicism is currently experiencing somewhat of a revival in 21st century popular culture, mainly because of its rational and logical approach to the challenges of our time. There has been a proliferation of Stoic references in modern movies and fiction; further increasing its popularity amongst a younger section of society, which would normally not be interested in an apparently pure academic pursuit such as the study of Philosophy.
Their ideas, known as Stoicism, have stood the test of time. And they'll make you stronger and wiser than most modern-day popular psychology.
Interested? This book is the perfect introduction to Stoicism for beginners like you! While reading it, you'll learn the main practical takeaways of Stoicism without getting bogged down in theoretical arguments.
In this book, you will learn:
What Stoicism is and where it comes from
The principles and beliefs of Stoicism
How Stoicism is applied to health and wellness
How to effectively control your emotions
How to begin implementing Stoicism into your life
How to improve any situation with Stoicism
How neuroplasticity applies to Stoicism
And with an in-depth look at some famed stoics, such as Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, and Seneca, you will get a complete overview of this fascinating subject, from different periods of history.
Making the most of your life, no matter what it throws at you, is one of the cornerstones of being a stoic. With the proven and actionable tips and advice contained within this book, you will have all the tools needed to make a real difference.
Stoicism is having a renaissance with businesspeople, competitors, and lawmakers. If you are enthusiastic about learning Stoicism, or if you need to investigate answers to a portion of life's most difficult inquiries, it would be ideal if you perused on!
My name is Alex. I believe is leading a stoic life.