Yosi Mor (יוסף מור)
Very, very, good! Faithful to the "real-book" look-and-feel, with its clean, high-resolution, scan. Yet at the same time, conveniently fixes the places where the original book would have required the reader to "jump around" -- for example, by inserting a copy of the missing "LaMenatzeach BeNiginot Mizmor Shir" before Birkat HaMazon.
30 people found this review helpful
Ruvain Kudan
Great app! I love the way it reminds us to say the special things for rosh chodesh, etc. It would be nice to be able to insert "Laminatzayach" in the bentching, but that isn't what it's like in the siddur. Other than that small nitpick, only positive!
6 people found this review helpful
A Google user
Ty for auto silent mode when in use. Can you also have an option to auto close notification mode, or auto air plane or auto close data. Because it doesn't help that you're phone is silent but you see everything coming in, as you're holding and davening from it....
19 people found this review helpful