Muhamad Aimanuddin
Overall I like this game but sometimes there's a lot of mode and players can get overwhelmed at some point. The only thing that I don't like is the "Arena" mod, it is so pointless that you just select which player to fight and the rest is by AI and how strong your player is. "Arena" is the mode that "the least interesting" for me, other than that, most of the mode is fun and the amount of ads sometimes is kind of irritating.
1 person found this review helpful
Saulo Henrique Pires de Oliveira
This is almost a good game. The randomness and mechanics makes me think of good rogue-likes (e.g. Hades). However, this is full of anti-game patterns, for instance you run out of "energy" so you can no longer play. What's the point of a game that forces you to stop playing it? If you don't want me to play your game, fine. Here's my two stars and I move on with my life. Also, as a principle, I'd never spend money on a game that's essentially predatory or so strongly reliant on ads.
14 people found this review helpful
We will take your comments about the energy system and ads into consideration when planning future updates. Our focus will be on refining the game mechanics and balance to provide a more enjoyable experience that doesn't overly rely on energy restrictions or in-app purchases.If you have any other suggestions, please feel free to share them with us.
Guy Dixon
Good game, fun to play and no forced adds. Only thing is there needs to be a setting to remove damage numbers, in later games the numbers are so often and large it blocks the entire screen nearly and you can't see projectiles to avoid them. Making some levels with a lot of enemies getting damaged near impossible as you are effectively blind.
11 people found this review helpful