XiLin Wang
总体来说还算是不错的游戏,但是值得一提的是,中国全境用的全都是utc+8的标准的时间,然而当北京时间是在上午十点多时,我正在西藏的上空飞行,但是这个时候,在游戏里给我显示的当地的时间却是早上七点多,希望能够修改一下这个问题,要不然我感觉这会非常的干扰游戏的体验感和游戏的沉浸感 非常感谢游戏官方的回复,希望能够快点解决这个问题
Infinite Flight LLC
Thanks for the feedback! We'll look into this time zone issue to enhance your immersion. Time zones are however one of the largest headaches in the world and hard to get 100% right unfortunately. But we'll see what we can do!
一架a380 A380
对于一个rfs Pro用户来说: 这款游戏几乎吊打rfs 画质这一方面先别说 免费版飞机数量这方面也是够良心 虽然说免费的机场没有rfs多 但对于一款画质这么高的游戏来说已经很好了,这款游戏的飞机也特别多,虽然Pro比rfs贵(我也没买)但是单从免费版来看 就已经领先rfs 当然,这只是我个人的评价 切勿rfs玩家对号入座 祝这款游戏越来越好 东方的一个无名小人 2025年1月12日
Infinite Flight LLC
Thanks for your awesome feedback! We're thrilled you enjoy the picture quality and variety of aircraft. We're continuously striving to enhance the app, and your support means a lot to us. Feel free to join the community at community.infiniteflight.com to share more thoughts. Happy flying! 🚀✈️
对于我来说,无限试飞pro是我见过最好的一款模飞。飞机很多,气动好,机场建模也棒,但是也需要修复一些bug 就例如787驾驶舱为贴图。当然我对无限试飞的印象是蛮不错的,吊打rfs,所以我给四星
Infinite Flight LLC
Thanks for your awesome feedback and the four-star rating! We’re thrilled you like the aircraft and airport modeling. We're constantly working to improve, and your note about the 787 cockpit is super helpful. Feel free to share more on our community forum! Happy flying! ✈️