Weather Forecast & Local Radar - Nuts Weather is a useful weather tool for both rural and urban life. Nut weather provides more weather information to grasp the weather in real-time and predict the future weather, allowing you to better arrange your plans. Whether you need to take a plane, drive a car to travel, or go fishing, barbecue, open our application, you can see at once if your activity can be carried out. ☀️
Main Features ☀️ All Weather Info Offer Temperature, windy info, humidity, visibility, rain precipitation... ☂️ Full Weather Report 72-hour & 10-day weather forecast, hourly weather, daily weather & live weather 🌁 Global Weather Radar & Doppler Radar Check local weather circumstance live and take precautions against severe weather, earthquakes, typhoon... ⛅️ Prompt Weather Alarm Inform you about severe weather like heavy rain, typhoon and remind you to bring an umbrella or jacket ☔ Background Changeable According to real time weather, User friendly and comfortable civil design ❄️ Health & Daily Life Index Sunrise and sunset, air quality, UV index 🌟 Replaceable weather data sources 4 sources of weather info: AccuWeather, Weather Bit, World Weather Online, Open Weather Widgets for Android phone homescreen Weather widgets include clock widget weather with beautiful style Have fun about weather news Keep informed with latest weather news, care for space weather, Mars weather
Detailed information you get in this Nuts Weather: Minimum and maximum temperature, body FEEL LIKE temperature, day & night temperature Dew point, humidity, air pressure Wind speed, wind direction, gusts, wind tracks Visibility, UV index, and cloud cover Chance of rain and rainfall Chance of snow and snowfall
Professional Weather Maps, Radar Map, Earthquake map View weather in a graphic way, typhoon tracks, rain cloud approaching, windy tracks, temperature graphics, earthquake warnings, just check weather and compare neighborhood weather.
Get your weather at a micro climate level, get the most precise weather forecast at a hyper level. Always be prepared with this weather radar app.
Accurate and exhaustive weather information are all provided in this portable Nut Weather app. If you are still finding a weather app that is beautiful yet neat & full-featured, then you must have our Weather Forecast & Local Radar - Nuts Weather ! Just try it now!