• Over 600 + Streaming Workouts, Challenges & Bootcamps available Anytime Anywhere in the world.
Workouts are follow along style with low impact modifications and beginner options. Cast all workouts to your TV and enjoy viewing on a big screen.
• LIVE WORKOUTS with celebrity trainer Jeanette Jenkins only available in the Jeanette Jenkins Healthy Living Club and saved in our Virtual Gym so you can access them on your schedule.
• UNLIMITED ACESS TO ALL OUR BOOTCAMPS & CHALLENGES: The goal of the bootcamps and challenges are to motivate you to be committed and consistent with your workouts so you can enjoy all the benefits of healthy living including decreased risk of depression, heat disease, diabetes and more. Regular excursive and healthy living will lift your spirits, boost your endorphins, help regulate your hormones, help burn excess body fat, strengthen your immune system and much more.
• WEEKLY WORKOUT CALENDAR: 6 workouts a week using different methods of training: Cardiosculpt, Bodyweight + Dumbbell Workouts, Cardiokickboxing, HIIT, Bootcamp, Pilates, Yoga, Stretching, Foam Rolling, Yoga, Focused Body Part Workouts, Ab Blast, Upper Body Blast, Lower Body
Blast, Ball Workouts, Medicine Ball Workouts, Optional Gym & Treadmill Workouts and much more.
• CELEBRITY CLIENTS: The same workouts & program design I have been doing with my celebrity clients for over 20 years.
• COMMUNITY WALL: We are here to support and motivate you! Post any of your questions or concerns on the community wall and "Jeanette & the Club Team" will answer them every week. Communicate and connect with other members from around the world! We are on this healthy living journey together!
• NUTRITION: Weekly Meal Plan, Recipe A to Z page with over 180+ healthy recipes that include nutrition information, a convenient personalized calorie calculator to help you with portion control and daily nutrition tips.
• DAILY MOTIVATION: To live a positive life, you must have a positive mindset so every day we post a new daily quote to motivate you to start the day with the right mind set.