We’re committed to your safety at Uber. We’ve established a Door-to-Door Safety Standard to help you feel safe every time you take a trip.
And with Uber, your destination is at your fingertips. Just open the app and enter where you want to go, and a nearby driver will help you get there reliably.
Take a trip from almost anywhere Request a trip from 600+ airports and in 10,000+ cities around the world. The Uber app is a great way to make your travel plans stress-free. Request a trip on demand or schedule one ahead of time.
Take a trip to almost anywhere Whether you’re looking for style, space or affordability, Uber can help you find the perfect trip to fit your needs:
Enjoy elegance and premium features with Uber Exec Ride with extra room (and more of your friends) with UberXL
All of these transport options and more are available in one place with the Uber app.
See price estimates With Uber, you can see your price estimate up front before booking. That means you’ll always have an idea of what you’ll pay before requesting your trip.
Your safety drives us We’re committed to making every trip with Uber as safe as possible. That's why – in addition to our Door-to-Door Safety Standard – we've built new safety features and updated our Community Guidelines for respectful and positive experiences.
You can share your trip Give your loved ones peace of mind while you’re on a trip – you can share your location and trip status so they know you’ve made it to your destination.
You can contact emergency services You can call the emergency services directly from the app, and your location and trip details will be displayed so you can share them quickly with emergency services.
Tip and rate your driver After every trip, you can submit a rating along with comments. You can also let your driver know you appreciated your experience by adding a tip for them directly in the app.
Not all products are available in all markets.
To see if Uber is available in your city, visit https://www.uber.com/cities Follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/uber Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/uber
Questions? Visit uber.com/help
27. jan. 2025
Kort og leiðsögn
Öryggi hefst með skilningi á því hvernig þróunaraðilar safna og deila gögnunum þínum. Persónuvernd gagna og öryggisráðstafanir geta verið breytilegar miðað við notkun, svæði og aldur notandans. Þetta eru upplýsingar frá þróunaraðilanum og viðkomandi kann að uppfæra þær með tímanum.
Þetta forrit kann að deila þessum gagnagerðum með þriðju aðilum.
Þetta forrit kann að safna þessum gagnagerðum
Staðsetning, Persónuupplýsingar og 8 í viðbót
Gögn eru dulkóðuð í flutningum
Þú getur beðið um að gögnum sé eytt
Sjá upplýsingar
Einkunnir og umsagnir
14,6 m. umsagnir
sverrir stefansson
Merkja sem óviðeigandi
3. október 2024
Einar Sveinn Olafsson
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Snilldar þjónusta, einfalt og gagnvirkt.
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Merkja sem óviðeigandi
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We update the Uber app as often as possible to help make it faster and more reliable for you. This version includes several bug fixes and performance improvements.
Love the app? Rate us! Your feedback helps us to improve the Uber app. Have a question? Tap Help in the Uber app or visit help.uber.com.