Tuning Club Online

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Tentang game ini

Tuning Club Online is a unique driving game in real time via the network. Stop racing the rival ghosts or bots. Build your car, play with friends and rivals around the world.


- Have a free ride and chat with friends;
- Push maximum power in the speed race;
- Leave smoking trails on the track in drift mode;
- Fight for the crown in hold the crown mode;
- Don’t let anyone catch you in a bomb mode;


- Pick up boosters on the levels to slow down your opponents, earn money, get nitro, pick up the crown or arrange a real bombardment;


- Put bumpers, body kits, hoods, spoilers, apply vinyls or skins, choose tires and wheels;
- Customize car with your own unique style with skins, install police and FBI lights, taxi sign, clown head, crazy tailpipes and more;


- Build an engine to fit your playing style and become a pro;
- Combine rare parts and their unique qualities;
- Put the piston, crankshaft, camshaft, flywheel and other parts;
- Adjust suspension, camber and drive out;
- Change tires for best grip.

E36, RX7, Skyline, Evolution - and this is just the beginning of the list of legendary cars for tuning in this multiplayer game. Over a million combinations are there to bring your ideas to life. Gather your collection of cars and their parts to become the champion in the arena.
Diupdate pada
28 Jan 2025

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Rating dan ulasan

285 rb ulasan
19 Desember 2024
Untuk game nya emang bagus tapi saat saya membeli mobil baru, mesin yang ada di mobil sebelumnya tidak bisa di pakai itu seperti memulai game dari awal, tolong buat agar bisa memakai mesin yang tersimpan di mobil sebelumnya, cepat di tanggapi di update selanjutnya.. 🙏🙏🙏. (Edit) hanya bisa menggunakan suku cadang yang sama di mobil yang sama? Itu sangat buruk, tolong jadikan satu saja inventori suku cadang untuk semua mobil
3 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?
Two Headed Shark DMCC
19 Desember 2024
Thank you for your feedback! You can transfer parts from one car to another only if the models are identical. This is to ensure compatibility between parts and vehicles. Thanks for playing, and we appreciate your input!
Investigator Txt
30 Desember 2024
Setelah update malah sering disconect server, mau milih room dan melihat teman online saja susah karena selalu muncul tulisan "conecting server" Dan ketika didalam game sering disconect server jadi makin males main game ini kalau begini caranya, trus ketika main drift terutama untuk kisswall sering terjadi bug seperti tidak bertambahnya skor. Tolonglah dibenerin, masa update map salju bisa tapi update server dan bug skor kisswall tidak bisa dibenerin.
68 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?
Bao Bao
12 Januari 2025
Bagus sih, tapi kenapa ketika main dengan gamepad, turun dri mobil, joystick maju malah mundur, joystick mundur malah maju, begitu jga dengan joystick kanan, terbalik arahnya. Minusnya hanya disitu.
1 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?
Two Headed Shark DMCC
13 Januari 2025
Good afternoon! Thank you for your feedback. We apologize for the inconvenience. We passed the problem on to our programmers.

Yang baru

- New legendary cars LUX LFA and WOLF BUG exclusively in the racing pass
- Updated seasonal versions of maps
- Bug fixes