Mountain Climb: Stunt Car Game

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Tentang game ini

Stunt- Car Racing Games is a racing and car simulator game in which you need to climb the track established between two mountains by your car that has realistic driving dynamics.

A brand new game from the producer of Mountain Climb 4x4 game! In this car game, you have the complete control of the car's driving climbing up the mountains and hills. Stunts, becoming increasingly difficult and more fun, have duration times specially determined. Before the time is up, you must race with yourself first and then try to finish the stunt as soon as possible. If you want to play again the parts that you could not complete with 3 stars, you can race with the ghost driver, meaning your own score, and get ahead of it. Remember! In the races that you complete with 3 stars, you win 2 times more prizes that the ones you win normally. With the prize money you win, you can buy new cars, customize your cars. In this car simulator game, customizing your cars and purchasing new ones can make it easier to conquer the challenges of racing.


• Completely real vehicle physique. Your car moves the way you want it to, there is no artificial intelligence interference in the car game.
• 5 different cars with four wheel drive (4x4) system (Soon many more!)
• Changing environmental graphics as you play so that you do not get bored.
• Specially designed levels where you will face various challenges, including those that test your driving skills.
• High graphics quality even on phones with low equipment.
• Every week, 5 new parts and every month 1 new car.


• If you want to experience a realistic car driving experience in the car simulator, you should choose steering wheel and pedal. If you think it's difficult to control steering wheel and pedal, entering the settings you can choose the buttons that allow you to go left and right.

• Before the time is up, you must climb the hills to the mountain through the tracks. If your time is up before climbing up the mountain, you can buy an extra 20 seconds by the coins you won or watching video.

• In case you pass the checkpoint in the Stunts, even if you fall from the cliff, you can go back to that point by buying.
Diupdate pada
27 Agu 2024

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Rating dan ulasan

108 rb ulasan
Askalll Dapiooo
11 Agustus 2024
bagus banget cuy. walaupun ukuran nya 50megabite(mb) tapi kita di beri pengalaman yang sangat menyenangkan biar ga banyak iklan kalian matiin aja wifi atau kuota kalian karena gamenya ini offline terus lanjutkan game aku bangga bagus game terbaik sepanjang masa
1 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
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Pengguna Google
14 November 2019
Gamenya bagus. Kalau ada yg bilang game ini tak bagus coba bikin game tema balap yg lebih bagus kalian bisa gak??? Memang kita cuman bisa ngerasain gamenya tapi developernya atau pembuat game sudah ngluarin uang untuk game ini. Ga tau diri kalian yg kasi bintang 1-2
1.016 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
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1 Januari 2025
Bagus bangettttt memberikan sensasi nostalgia di masa lalu dan saya sudah tamatin level terakhir 105 susah bener tapi seruuuuu
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Yang baru

- New levels
- Performance improvements