Aurora Hills: Chapter 1

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Tentang game ini

Welcome to Aurora Hills!

Nestled deep within the Appalachian Mountains, Aurora Hills was known for its thriving industry and its picturesque landscape. Owing to the region's natural resources, Aurora Hills was looking to become one of the most prosperous towns in the state.

All is not how it seems, however. A series of disappearances of residents and tourists alike have plagued the region over the past few years, sparking a mass exodus from the small town. Now, in October 1981, the town is a shell of its former self. The prosperity that once blessed Aurora Hills has all but evaporated.

Working as a park ranger, you must investigate what's going on with these disappearances and answer questions that have tormented residents for years. Why has there been an increase in disappearances over the past 6 months? Why are there no traces of the people who went missing? Perhaps most importantly, who, or what, could be behind all of this? It's up to you to venture forth, deep into the national park, to uncover the mysteries of Aurora Hills...

Developed by the creators of Meridian 157, Aurora Hills: Chapter 1 is the first part in series of point and click puzzle adventure games. Based in the year 1981 in a small West Virginian community, Aurora Hills follows the journey of Ethan Hill, a park ranger tasked with investigating strange disappearances from the region. Explore the rolling hills of West Virginia, find clues of the whereabouts of the missing people and solve intriguing puzzles to uncover the mystery of Aurora Hills!

Play as Ethan Hill, a park ranger detective investigating the unsolved mystery of the Aurora Hills disappearances! Solve puzzles and enigmas in this new point and click, hidden object, escape room style puzzle adventure game now for free!

• Custom soundtrack and sound effects designed for a creepy in-game atmosphere
• Challenging and clever puzzles
• A logical hint system for some of the most difficult riddles
• Available in 9 languages, including English, French, Russian, German, Chinese (Simplified), Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Japanese!
• New colour blind mode available for people who might have trouble with colour based puzzles
Diupdate pada
17 Nov 2024

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Rating dan ulasan

9,82 rb ulasan
Almira Kusnaira Irdah
25 Oktober 2024
Grafiknya bagus bgt, bikin pengalaman game jadi lebih immersive. Untuk puzzlenya so far so good, ga yg susah bgt tp emang perlu teliti. Untuk cerita sejauh ini masih fine, krn masih chapter pertama sih ya, tp bikin aku penasaran sama kelanjutannya
9 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
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Purwanto “ipunk_pwt”
16 November 2024
11 12 dengan Meridian 157. Grafis lebih bagus, jalan cerita juga menarik. Teka teki oke punya, misterius juga. Latar belakang oke masa sekarang sepertinya, suasana kurang horror sedikit, apa karena belum masuk benang merah kayaknya. Potongan cuplikan adegan juga seru, keseluruhan bener2 bikin kaget & penasaran. Ditunggu bab selanjutnya.
8 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
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Nurmedi Na
6 Oktober 2024
Meskipun ini game point and click, tapi story di game ini cukup menarik, player di buat kebingungan dengan apa yang terjadi, apa yang membuat orang orang menghilang di Aurora hill?, apakah hantu? Pembunuh? Banyak sekali misteri, dan grafik yang realistis membuat gameplay semakin nyaman dan sangat indah
11 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
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Yang baru

• Fixed problem of some puzzles being unresponsive
• Fixed issue of app failing to launch on some devices
• Increased in-game performance
• Fixed crashing issue of app when going to home screen on some devices
• Added option to change difficulty after starting the game