The War of Genesis

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Tentang game ini

The War of Genesis, the ULTIMATE mobile strategy MMORPG!
Continue the unfinished Genesis adventure with the new hero, Iron Mask!
Reclaim Antaria from the threatening monsters and Dark Armor forces!
Experience the fascinating story in the new mobile strategy MMORPG and become the real main character!

New Hero, “Iron Mask” Update "Steel Alive"
✔ Iron Mask (Dark) has been added as the leader of Iron Mask Group.
✔ Play the Arena with the great and skillful Iron Mask.

'Genesis Battle Still Alive,' 6th new server opening
✔ The sixth server will be newly opened. First-handedly experience the powerful boost that you can gain only when the new server opens!
✔ We are also preparing merge existing servers, so please stay tuned.

✔ The War of Genesis features a large cast of heroes with unique abilities to adventure with.
✔ Control ancient Machina: Devastating machines of war that can turn the tide of battle.

✔ Battle using your ideal party of different Airships/Machina/Heroes!
✔ Customize your characters with different items and skills to suit your personal strategy.
✔ Research technologies to unlock new Airship capabilities and become the best captain!

✔ Perfect your strategy by hunting various monsters.
✔ Defeat raid bosses and fend off dark forces!
✔ Battle players around the world in intense, real-time war PvP!

✔ In this MMORPG, don’t adventure alone! Strengthen your forces by joining a guild!
✔ Assemble your fleet and warp into intense battles!
✔ Upgrade your guild base and defend your territory from other guilds.

✔ Joining a guild makes you a shareholder! Invest and help your guild grow.
✔ Collect resources to help your guild dominate!
✔ Obtain valuable items with the trade system and always be war-ready!

[Essential Permissions]
✔ None

[Optional Permissions]
1. Camera, Storage
✔ Permission to access the camera, photos, media, and files. Used for registering/changing the user’s profile picture, and when attaching files during 1:1 customer support.
※However, when you access the customer support through the web browser within the game, you may receive a permission request from the browser. In this case, permissions may not be requested from the app.
※You do not need to grant optional permissions. However, you may be restricted to some parts of the app’s features. 

✔ On devices with Android 6.0 or lower, you may not have the option to deny optional permissions on installation (the app assumes that you agree to the granting of the permissions upon installation). It is recommended for you to update the software to Android 6.0 and up. After updating your system, you will need to reinstall the app to set the new permissions. 

[Android 6.0+]
1. How to Revoke Permissions Based on Their Type 
✔ Settings > Privacy > Permission Manager > Select Permission > Select App > Agree to or Revoke Permission

2. How to Revoke App Permissions
✔ Settings > Applications > Select Application > Select Permission > Agree to or Revoke Permission

[Android 6.0 or Lower]
✔ You must delete the app to revoke the permission.
※The above descriptions may differ slightly from your device or OS.
Diupdate pada
13 Des 2024

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Keamanan dimulai dengan memahami cara developer mengumpulkan dan membagikan data Anda. Praktik privasi dan keamanan data dapat bervariasi berdasarkan penggunaan, wilayah, dan usia Anda. Developer memberikan informasi ini dan dapat memperbaruinya seiring waktu.
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Aplikasi ini dapat mengumpulkan jenis data berikut
Info pribadi, Info keuangan, dan 4 lainnya
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Rating dan ulasan

34,1 rb ulasan
29 September 2024
Update lagi dong gamenya tambahin lagi karakternya kalau bisa collab sama anime dong developer ayo terus kembangkan lagi ini game
3 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?
8 Oktober 2024
Hello, Admiral! I hope you had a great time playing.! We really appreciate your time and effort in giving us feedback. If you have any concerns or suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact us at We will be happy to hear from you.
Pengguna Google
17 Oktober 2019
Saya suka banget game y tapi saya agak kecewa juga soal y hero ya sedikit cara dapetin ya agak menyulit kan sh. Developer y tolong dong buat event yg meriah dan tambahin lagi fitur yg menarik sama waktu buat update bangunan ya di persingkat donk Tambahin juga tuh skin karakter y
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?
7 April 2021
Hi! Thanks for taking the time in leaving us a review. We'll make sure to deliver your feedback so if you have any suggestions for us in the game, please feel free to send it to us at We will be happy to hear from you.
Pengguna Google
21 November 2019
Sy kecewa dengan game ini semula semuanya sih bagus tapi mulai ke lv lebih tinggi banyak masalah yang sy dapat kan terutama pada mode rank yaitu loading bettle selesai itu slalu stak di 50% ujung ujung nya relogin. Klo begini melulu jadi bosen kan main di mode rank klo selesai bettle relogin lagi baru normal😫😫
4 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?
22 November 2019
Halo Arip, Terkait masalah arena, hingga saat ini tim kami masih mencoba memperbaiki masalah tersebut. Untuk saat ini kami sarankan kamu tidak mengambil hadiah round arena sebelum kamu menghabiskan arena ticketmu. Apabila kamu sudah menghabiskan arena ticket, kamu dapat mengambil hadiah round arena tersebut. Terima kasih

Yang baru

- Proceed with a new event
- Fix other bugs