Sniper Area: Shooting game

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Tentang game ini

"Sniper Area: Gun Shooter" is a thrilling action-shooting mobile game that offers an immersive sniper experience. It is a fast-paced sniper game set in stunning 3D graphics that will take you on an exciting adventure.

This gun shooting game puts you in the shoes of a professional sniper and requires you to use your skills and strategy to complete intense missions. You will control your character from a first-person perspective, with the goal to become the ultimate stealth sniper in the world.

The game has multiple missions, levels, and locations. You will be tasked with sniping enemies from long distances, using a variety of weapons such as sniper rifles and machine guns. You will also have to use stealth tactics to remain undetected and survive the missions.

You will have to use your aim, speed, and accuracy to take out targets in order to progress and complete each mission. As you progress, you will earn money which you can use to upgrade your character and weapons. You will also be able to unlock different weapons and equipment to give yourself an edge in the game.

Sniper Area: Gun Shooter is a tactical shooter game that offers an immersive sniper experience. It is a fast-paced gun shooting game that will test your agility and accuracy. You will have to use stealth tactics and sniping skills to survive the missions. You will have to use a variety of weapons and equipment to complete the levels and progress in the game. You will also be able to upgrade your character and weapons with the money you earn.

Sniper Area: Gun Shooter is the ultimate sniper game and the perfect choice for anyone who loves a challenge. It is a sniper game that will test your skills and strategy. You will have to use your aim, speed, and accuracy to take out targets and complete each mission. You will be able to use different weapons such as sniper rifles and machine guns, as well as unlock various equipment. You will also be able to upgrade your character and weapons with the money you earn.
Diupdate pada
23 Jan 2025

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Rating dan ulasan

32,3 rb ulasan
17 Oktober 2024
Iklannya banyak.., setiap stage terlalu pendek, gak seru.., game kacangan
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?
Studio WW Games
18 Oktober 2024
Terima kasih atas tanggapan Anda. Game ini gratis berkat iklan.
Anto Subandi
20 Januari 2025
Gamenya menari, gak banyak iklan terhibur
1 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?
Studio WW Games
22 Januari 2025
Terima kasih telah memberi peringkat pada game dan menulis komentarnya.
Tamrin Ardat
9 November 2023
Gamenya sungguh mantap dan mengasikkan, pokoknuya sangat bermanfaat buat menghilangkan kegalauan. Trima Kasih atas Aplikasi gamenya smoga kedepannya lebih menyajikan yg lebih seru lagi. Oh ya kalau bisa Levelnya lebih diperbanyak.
165 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?
Studio WW Games
10 November 2023
Thank you for your positive review! We are so pleased to hear that you had a great experience.

Yang baru

* gaming process improved
* minor bugs fixed
* animation improved
If you come up with ideas for improvement of our games or you want to share your opinion on them, feel free to contact us
[email protected]