Christian Hymns

50 Tsg.+

Über diese App

"Christian Hymns" is a pocket collection of Christian hymn books in several languages.

The application allows to:
- Quickly search for a desired hymn in one of your favorite hymn books or among the all provided hymn books. You can search by a hymn title, by a hymn number or its fragment, by a hymn text, with an arbitrary order of entered words or in an exact order.
- Adjust the application appearance and font sizes, pinch-to-zoon for a hymn text.
- Limit selection of hymn books by the device's system language.
- Open a random hymn from the list of displayed ones.
- Add own or missing hymns, so that you can then possibly ask the Developer to add them into one of the collections.
- Conveniently mark hymns into named selections (for different occasions, for different ministries).
- Share your selections and added hymns with others (note: you can just "make it look for others exactly like it looks for you"; merging of selections made by different users is not supported).
- Conveniently report defects in hymn texts to the Developer.
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Christian Hymns 1.7.8 (July 24, 2024)
1) Correction of reported hymn defects.
2) Added Ukrainian versions (translated locally) of the hymns 231, 159, 171.

Support für diese App

Informationen zum Entwickler
Oleksandr Dolhanenko
Gritsevtsa Str 17-A Kharkov Харківська область Ukraine 61172