Tripadvisor: Plan & Book Trips

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100 M+
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Acerca desta aplicación

As a travel guidance company, Tripadvisor brings people, passions and places together. We aim to help make you a better traveller, from travel planning, to booking, to taking a trip. Our app lets you get the most out of your trip – whether you’re planning or on-the-go. Discover where to stay, what to do and where to eat based on guidance from millions of travellers who have been there before. Find deals on hotels, book experiences, reserve tables at great restaurants and discover great places nearby. No matter what type of trip you’re looking to take, the Tripadvisor app makes planning it easy and also lets you guide others on their way.

Access millions of reviews about hotels, restaurants, tours, attractions and other experiences from travellers just like you

Discover traveller-recommended places nearby and view them on a map

Read Travel Guides to discover new ways to experience a destination with tips from travel experts

Book hotels, tours, activities, experiences and other things to do with free cancellation

Find great places to eat nearby and make restaurant reservations

Get great deals on hotels by comparing the lowest prices from more than 200 booking sites worldwide

Use our planning tool, Trips, to save and organize traveller-recommended places. See your saves on a map, as well as share and collaborate with your travel companions.

Access mobile tickets for booked tours, attractions, experiences and other things to do

Travel confidently with COVID-19 health and safety information for hotels, restaurants, tours, and attractions

Submit your own reviews and photos of places you’ve visited to guide fellow travellers

Post and answer questions from other like-minded travellers in the Tripadvisor forums
Última actualización
28 de xan. de 2025

Seguranza dos datos

A seguranza pasa por entender como recompilan e comparten os teus datos os programadores. As prácticas relacionadas coa seguranza e a privacidade dos datos utilizadas poden variar en función do uso, a rexión e a idade. O programador facilitou esta información e pode modificala co paso do tempo.
Esta aplicación pode compartir estes tipos de datos con terceiros
Localización, Información persoal e 3 máis
Esta aplicación pode recompilar estes tipos de datos
Localización, Información persoal e 6 máis
Encríptanse os datos en tránsito
Podes solicitar que se eliminen os datos

Valoracións e recensións

1,39 M recensións
18 de marzo de 2022
En xeral, a App é moi útil. Boto de menos a alternativa "viaxe dun grupo" na pregunta "¿Cómo viaxou a X sitio?"
Pareceuche útil?
Diogo Fernandes da Costa Luz
20 de decembro de 2020
A busca pode melhorar, mas o conteúdo é muito útil.
Pareceuche útil?
Un usuario de Google
18 de agosto de 2019
App imprescindible
1 persoa considerou que esta recensión é útil
Pareceuche útil?


While you’ve been out there planning and taking trips, we’ve been here, working to bring you the best version of the app yet. That means fixing bugs, adding new features, and generally making sure your trip is nothing but smooth sailing. Download the latest version if you haven’t already.

Love the app? We’d love to hear it! Rate it to let us know how we’re doing.