Forming a Girl Group Do you have the potential to be a talent scout? Find young girls with potential. Tailor their outfits, music styles, and endorsements. Expand their influence. You are the boss, and you call the shots!
Creating Pop Music Want all the music stations to play the MV you designed? The girls love to perform, so motivate them to shed their shyness and embody the characters you've created for them!
Controlling the Media Make all the media speak for you! Of course, it requires some tactics. But that's the game rule: monopolize the information channels and defeat your competitors!
Trying Out Romance Girls in their teenage years need emotional support; they all yearn to be your girlfriend. Spend some time chatting with them, but don’t get too caught up—remember, your task is to make money!
Car Modifications You must love luxury cars, right? But that alone won't make you famous. You need to modify them so that everyone is drawn to your cars. Let them know the owner is wealthy!
Real Estate Acquisition The money you earn is only safe when it becomes real estate. Acquire properties with potential, expand your business, and make the girls brand ambassadors!
Stock Market Tycoon Try your hand at stock trading; it can rapidly increase your wealth. But don’t get too excited too soon—your competitors’ business tactics might send you back to square one!
Can you survive in this stage show of beauty and business warfare? We suggest you give it a try. After all, ordinary people might just be lacking a bit of luck!
27. jaan 2025
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Andmete ohutus
Ohutus algab selle mõistmisest, kuidas arendajad teie andmeid koguvad ja jagavad. Andmete privaatsuse ja turvalisuse tavad võivad olenevalt kasutusviisist ning teie piirkonnast ja vanusest erineda. Selle teabe esitas arendaja ja seda võidakse aja jooksul värskendada.
Kolmandate osapooltega ei jagata andmeid
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Rakenduse teave ja toimivus
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