What is it, who is it, or where is it, in every step you will come across this sentence and you have to solve the puzzle of the step, at the end the name of the desired person will be said.
All the images used in this game are related to the traditions of Iran, our country, even the background images and frames are made from Farbahar images, this game with the beautiful sound of the three-stringed song in the background makes this game a good game for Playing at the end of the night is both an education and a game for when you can't sleep and can help you sleep.
The images used in this game are of Iranian foods, natural areas of Iran, sacred places of Iran, for example Mashhad, Falodeh of Shiraz, artistic persons including master Zulfanun, master Kivan Kalhor, Shajarian.
At the end of each step, the name of the photo is said to be an educational game.