Ian Sakura
I love this game, I used to play when I was about 8 or 9 and started up again lately, as an adult, and it's still just as entertaining. The monster designs are so cool, I'm obsessed over them. Only downside is how hard it is to breed special monsters, it's meant so you spend diamonds out of desperation, which is a great marketing tactic obviously, but it's a little irritating nonetheless. Overall amazing game, great designs and fun music!
135 people found this review helpful
John Lee Quemuel
I think this game is addictive. Just a little bit of patience and you will make progress. After some time, you can finish making multiple islands and listen to good monster music sang by monsters you worked hard for. Well, unfortunately, there are unrewarded ads but overall, good music, and I repeat, this game is very addictive. Please install or download now.
16 people found this review helpful
Just started, and this game is awesome. I've felt like it's kind of a musical Clash of Clans more oriented towards young audiences but really everyone can play it. The tutorial was really straightforward and engaging. It's cool because while you play you can develop your creativity by getting more and more monsters which are really funny and well-thought of, with each one having a unique role (percussion, melody, accompaniments effects, etc.). Recommend it as a musician personally
126 people found this review helpful