Sophie Anderson
This is very obviously made to never be won. The levels got impossible to play w/o losing and watching an ad by lv. 4. The little extra stuff you can do to help get through a level require either an ad or a certain amount of coins that is intentionally far too expensive to get people to think "what's the point? I'll just watch the ad." Then players end up watching up to 5+ ads in a round, with a few easy levels sprinkled in every blue moon. This isn't worth your time.
19 people found this review helpful
Chyna Thom
Gameplay is pretty good for this style of game. Straightforward and clean. Some levels cannot be passed without watching all 'extra slot' ads, though. I understand needing to watch an ad for a hint or 1 extra spot because you made a mistake, but being necessary to pass is ridiculous.
30 people found this review helpful
Melissa Radcliff
The ads are waaaaay too long compared to other games. Sometimes almost as long as it takes to complete one level. The worst of the worst ads is the traffic jam game where you have to listen to "zoom, crash, zoom, crash, zoom, crash" for several minutes straight.
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