ONLINE COACHING is a personalized program and diet plan created exclusively according to the individual needs of the person with my daily support.
Program included:
- diet and training plan (gym, home)
- correct way of performing exercises via video
- monitoring progress and adjusting it based on your weekly reports
-recommendation of supplementation
- 24/7 support etc.
What is the real goal,point of us working together?
It is your transformation but not only in the form of your better physical appearance, but a better quality of life for you,for good energy. To eat healthy and look and feel better, to be more active. Because movement is life.
It is expected of you weekly check in on time and to follow the plan that was written exclusively for you.To be responsible primarily to yourself and to me in order for the cooperation to be successful and to produce good and sustainable results in the long term.
Fitness is much more than just exercising and following a menu. My intention is that you come out of this program as a stronger person in every way because strength is everything.
Movement is everything.
Being active is everything.
Being active for life.