Jacob Swiertz
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This is on-the-go puzzling at its finest. Each level gives you something new to figure out. As the first game in the series (some people think it's black, including past me) it is probably the easiest one, but that doesn't remove the fun at all. Bart Bonte has a real winner of a series here, and with the recent release of purple, I hope for the next game to be... chartreuse. What, was I supposed to say white like everyone else?
13 people found this review helpful
Thanks for your five stars Jacob 😊
ԀЇЅЅөlѴЇ_ 2.0
I've posted a few joke reviews on the other colour games by Bart Bonte, but this one I'm going to do properly. These games as a whole are fantastic. Each one feels like a smaller part in a unique work of abstract art, something not often seen in mobile games nowadays. It always feels rewarding to figure out the logic behind each puzzle, the background music is consistently great, and the experience doesn't overstay its welcome. I simply can't praise these games enough; a very well-deserved 5/5★.
82 people found this review helpful
Thanks for your 5 star review!
Hydrangea Macrophylla
This game is so simple and easy; yet the levels have dynamic variation. Different gestures are employed in each level to complete the end goal; turning the screen yellow. Each level has a special feature. For example, one level has a pair of feet that you move via four buttons at the bottom of the screen. Another has a drawstring you must pull to lower a yellow curtain. This great diversity between levels makes a simply designed game an engaging one. Easy, but fun! *・゜゚(^O^)↝
44 people found this review helpful
Bart Bonte
26 January 2022
Thanks for your five star review Calendula!
If you enjoyed the game, maybe you can try one of my other color puzzle games, there are already 6: YELLOW, RED, BLACK, BLUE, GREEN and PINK, each with 50 new levels.