Incredibly boring. - Visually: the 'minimalistic art style' gets bland fast. - Immersion: The only way to manually get money is cleaning solar panels with a tap to generate about a minute of cash, and the numbers themselves rise way too fast. - Progression: things grinded to an immediate halt on the third cycle. I needed $50T to start making new car stuff, I'd be logging in to barely $2T and ads would only get me about $100B.
2 people found this review helpful
Benjamin Moses
Love the game but the only issue is upgrade rates are ridiculous e.g how can a simple upgrade move from just 250M to 25B yet the highest amount earned by the company at any given time is just 2M just think of the amount of time it's gonna taken just accumulate that money. Please do something it's unfair for us who can't afford online purchases. Thank you
6 people found this review helpful
Jonathan Adams
Great game, but I have a bug: I have the the neighbour ride upgraded to 45% chance and I just watched 16 card roll into the parking lot and 16 workers came to work. I understand that there is still a chance of this happening, but it it abysmal at this number 0.007%