Well this game is fun but I've been hearing about things that cause you to lose all your progress. So please, Devs, maybe add a cloud save or make a account mode. I don't wanna lose all progress so thank you if you do that. Anyways this game is just amazing and I love it and it's very good. Goodbye!
25 people found this review helpful
Mackayla Wynn
Fun at first but now it's very glitchy I've gotten to the giant food and there is a glitch were after the first bite the item you are eating disappears, it makes it hard to gauge your progress and advance in the game
AutisticEli !
I've quite enjoyed this game, as it can get addictive, and I've had no problems with it, but out of nowhere, after watching an ad to receive rewards, I somehow gain "-20B -5252A", MINUS gems, instead of getting more. So now I can't buy anything with gems at all! What kind of bug is this?
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